If you want to order items of staff uniform you can let us know about this by clicking on the Submit a Query to IS Business Support image below, then selecting Uniform Purchases from the drop down for Type of Enquiry.


You’ll find tick boxes to choose whether the uniform is for a new or current staff member who needs to have a look at or try on the sample stock items we hold, or for existing items of uniform that now need to be replaced. If you need to order replacement uniform then just add details of the items that are needed including size and how many in the Additional Information box.


If you’d like a chat, why not schedule a 30-min meeting with us through MS Bookings. We’re here to help!

 Useful links:-


View standard uniform items (search by product code):


Trinity Workwear

    • UC101 Classic Poloshirt        (Size 5XL)
    • UC112 Classic Unisex 100% Cotton Poloshirt         (Size S – 4XL)
    • UC115 Ladies Active Cotton Poloshirt
    • UC612 Classic full zip soft shell jacket
    • UC613 Ladies full zip soft shell jacket

Trinity Catalogue


    • PR202 Short sleeve poplin shirt