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Getting Started
Library & IT Portal
Library & IT Portal - How do I log in?
Library & IT Portal - How do I raise a call?
OneDrive and Network Drives
Network Drives - Connect remotely to your H: or i: drive
How to reset your DS password
File recovery on OneDrive
My email has changed and now I can’t access files on OneDrive
Map a network drive (H Drive/I Drive) on a Windows device
eduroam / Wifi / VPN
Guest Wifi - Connecting from your device
Connecting to Eduroam on an iOS device (iPhones and iPads)
How to set up VPN on your Android device
Connecting to Eduroam on a Chromebook
Connecting to Eduroam on a Mac
See all 12 articles
Centrally Managed Labs
Computer Rooms and Suites
Find a computer on campus
Find software on campus
MacOS / iPhone / iPad
MacOS - How to find your Computer Name and IP Address
How to set up email on your iPhone or iPad
Mac OS- unable to edit word file (Office 365)
Windows 10 - How to find your Computer Name and IP Address
Windows - How to restore files on H: and I: drive
Autopilot laptop reset and wipe
Missing VCRuntime140.dll (or similar)
Software Changes are required on staff managed devices
See all 7 articles
University Systems
FMS Access
"Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) Support
Introduction to University IT services (video)
How to Add Print Credit Online
How to Print, Scan or Copy
Pay for print credit at the print kiosk
How to print in the Library from your own device
Accessing network printers on Mac
See all 6 articles
Application - How To
Exporting Myplace Groups
Electronic Marks Return Resubmission & Resits
Zoom Recording Details page
Using Zoom Audio Transcription for Audio Recordings
Uploading a Zoom created Audio Transcript to eStream
See all 74 articles
Software - all users
File Recovery in Microsoft Word
7-Zip - How to install on Windows
Personalised Timetables
Web Timetables vs Mobile App Personalised Timetables
Microsoft Teams FAQ
How Do I Get The Teams App?
How do I create a Team?
Why Use Microsoft Teams?
How Do I Join a Teams Meeting?
How Do I Schedule a Teams Meeting?
See all 13 articles
Microsoft Forms FAQ
Who can use Microsoft Forms?
Which platforms does Microsoft Forms support?
With which browsers does Microsoft Forms work?
Is Microsoft Forms available for desktop or mobile?
Is Forms secure?
See all 14 articles
Microsoft Planner FAQ
What is Microsoft Planner?
Which platforms is Planner available on?
Where can I get learning support for Planner?
Can I add a Planner to a Microsoft Team?
What is the Planner Hub?
See all 16 articles
Microsoft Power BI FAQs
What is Power BI
How do I get Training & Support for Power BI
How to Request a Power BI Workspace
Microsoft Stream FAQs
What's happening to Microsoft Stream (Classic Stream)?
What is Stream on SharePoint?
How do I get help with Stream on SharePoint?
What happens to my Classic Stream Videos?
Where should I put new video content?
See all 7 articles
Cyber Security
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) FAQ
TIC Printing - University Computers
TIC Printing - Web Print and Email
TIC Printing - MAC
TIC Room Booking
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
After setting up MFA, I’m not receiving new emails
How do I set up MFA with a new or reset phone
I'm being asked to authenticate but get a denied message immediately
I’m trying to set up MFA but I’m stuck in a loop
I’m trying to set up MFA but I can’t use the authenticator app
See all 13 articles
Guidelines for creating Changes
What should I include in my Communications Plan?
Communication Mechanisms and Example Coms
AV Support
How to use Solstice on Windows
How to use Solstice on Mac
How to use Solstice on Android
How to use Solstice on iOS
Microsoft 365
Page numbering in Microsoft Word
Working with styles in Microsoft Word
Layout and Spacing in Microsoft Word
Inserting a Table of Contents in Microsoft Word
Temporary IT Access - guidance for Account Users
User Guide for Temp IT Account User
Missing books - what do we do about them?
General Info
A guide to Library services for students with additional support needs
Library Opening Hours
Digitisation Service
Introduction to the Library
Can I visit other University libraries?
See all 6 articles
How to
How to find and get the most out of your books
EndNote desktop: an introduction to EndNote desktop
EndNote Online (Web): Introduction to EndNote online (web)
Ebooks at Strathclyde
How to add Harvard Strathclyde citation style to EndNote Online
See all 9 articles
Archives and Special Collections
Access to Archives and Special Collections
Scottish Election Ephemera
Book an appointment in Archives and Special Collections (for SUPrimo requests)
Non Library/IT
How to find help with careers advice
On-Campus Exams - How to prepare and what happens
Copyright & Licensing Compliance
Copyright Ownership of Student Work
Graduate Information
Library Graduate Membership
IT and Library Access Information for Graduates
Graduation FAQs
Library Resources for Strathclyde Graduates
Student Experience
Student Experience Helpdesk
Student Experience A-Z Guide
IS Business Support & Administration
I require to raise an order on FMS, how do I go about doing this?
How soon will an invoice be paid?
The supplier I want to use is not on FMS, what should I do?
How do I pay for goods/services using a purchasing card?
How do I know what Sub Project to use?
See all 9 articles
Absence Queries
I would like to withdraw an absence, how do I do this?
What should I do if I am called for Jury Service or to attend as a witness?
I am a new Line Manager, how do I arrange training on the Absence Database Manager area and other Line Manager systems?
How do I see my allocation calculation, I am part time?
Where do I send sickness notification forms?
See all 9 articles
I have a new PC, should this be logged?
How do I check my Team Assets?
How do I check my Shared Assets?
I have changed location, do I have to let you know?
How do I dispose of equipment?
See all 6 articles
Event Organisation and Hospitality Bookings
I am arranging a meeting, can you help with catering provisions
I am arranging a conference or event, who should I get in touch with?
Booking an IS or University Meeting Room
Facilities, Safety Health and Wellbeing
I would like to place an order for an accessible item?
How can I get equipment for a new member of staff?
How can I claim expenses for driving my car on University business?
Who do I speak to about First Aid boxes and stock?
How do I report something to Estates?
See all 9 articles
Facilities, Safety Health and Wellbeing - Safety Inspections
How do I submit a form for a Monthly Fire Safety Check?
How do I submit a form for a Departmental Safety Inspection?
Facilities, Safety Health and Wellbeing - Training
Which safety training courses are mandatory?
How do I book onto a safety training course?
How do I notify IS Business Support I have completed a mandatory safety training course?
How do I notify IS Business Support I have completed a non-mandatory safety training course?
How do I notify IS Business Support I have booked onto the waiting list for a safety training course?
See all 6 articles
Financial Administration
When will my expenses get paid into my bank?
How do I go about arranging for a Gift card/voucher to be purchased?
I'm currently working from home, how do I arrange to collect goods I have ordered from campus?
How do I go about raising a Sales Invoice?
I'm working from home, can an order be raised for goods to be sent to my home address?
Where is the Staff Handbook?
How do I know what Services BSA provide?
How do I access the BSA support sites?
How do I prepare for tests?
Where can I sit tests?
What subject areas are covered?
What is ICDL and Advanced ICDL?
How do I register for ICDL and Advanced ICDL?
See all 9 articles
I would like to deliver a package by courier, how would I go about arranging this?
I'm working from home, can I have goods sent to my home address?
Overtime/TOIL Claims
How do I complete a Timesheet?
What information do you need when I work at the weekend?
When will my TOIL be added to the absence database?
I've got a query about my overtime, who should I contact?
What is the deadline date for timesheet submissions?
See all 7 articles
Project Management Support
I have a new committee that requires support, how do I arrange this?
I require a clerk for my committee meeting, can you support this?
Recruitment Queries
I have a general query about Recruitment
I'm a recruiting manager, how do I find out what stage my recruitment is at?
Where can I find copies of the latest recruitment templates?
Where can I find FPs from a previous recruitment?
Where can I find a copy of a business case from a previous recruitment?
See all 6 articles
Stationery & Consumables
Where is stationery kept?
Is there a minimum value for Stationery orders?
I require Stationery which is not on the Standard Stock list, is it possible to request non-standard stock?
I require to order consumables for the Student Copier, how do I go about this?
Telephone/Mobile Devices
I have a company mobile, how do I make a personal call payment?
I would like an upgrade/new mobile device, who do I contact?
Who do I approach to get a new headset?
How do I request an extension number?
My mobile device is not working, who do I contact?
See all 6 articles
Travel, Conference, Training and Accommodation
I require a taxi to be booked?
I require accommodation to be booked, can you do this?
How do I go about being booked onto a Conference?
I require travel to be arranged, what is the procedure for this?
What is the allowance for overnight accommodation?
See all 10 articles
Finance policies