Orders are done electronically via FMS and IS Business Support can handle them for you. To request this:


  1. Select Submit a query to IS Business Support from the image below.
  2. Choose Annual Renewal/Software/Maintenance from the Request category drop-down.
  3. For Maintenance orders, select raise an order. You’ll be redirected to an IS Procurement page with details on submitting an IS Procurement form.
  4. Make sure to select Yes for Add to Maintenance/Software Schedule in the form.
  5. Once saved, IS Business Support will get your request. They’ll update the IS Procurement Form record so you can track the order status.


For Software orders, liaise with Fiona Cameron regarding the purchase. Maintenance cover will be added to a schedule, and you’ll receive an alert one month before the contract expires regarding the potential renewal.


If you’d like a chat, why not schedule an IS Maintenance & Software meeting with us through MS Bookings. We’re here to help! 


Useful links:-