We'd also normally suggest that you direct people to a landing page for the Myplace sites, rather than directly to the site itself.

Most sites will be impacted by the Myplace Rollover and Session Change processes. 

Classes that "move" need to amend their link in June (at Rollover) from "https://classes.myplace.strath.ac.uk/" to "https://classesXXXX-YYYY.myplace.strath.ac.uk/" (where XXXX-YYYY is the full academic year so 2023-2024 for next year), and then this reverts *back* upon Session Change in August.

By having a separate landing page on your web site (i.e. a "permalink"), you can control exactly where they go to access the module itself, and can update the above link on the landing page so they go to the right place, but this also means you have a "fixed" web page you can point bit.ly URLs at, use in QR codes or use on other promotional things.

Linking to another Myplace site within the same academic year

If you want to link to another Myplace site, and remain within the same academic year, you must use relative linking.

Instead of using the fully qualified domain name "classes.myplace.strath.ac.uk", you should omit everything up to the slash after .uk e.g. For a site at "https://classes.myplace.strath.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=12" you would use "/course/view.php?id=12"