What is PubMed?

PubMed, from the US National Library of Medicine in Washington DC, is a freely accessible eResource which provides access to over 19 million citations dating back to the 1950's from MEDLINE and additional life sciences journals. It also includes links to full-text articles and related resources.

How to access PubMed

No login is required to access PubMed, however University of Strathclyde users should access this resource via the PubMed record in the library's A-Z Database list, or in SUPrimo, or links from our LibGuides, rather than going directly to PubMed via Google or another non-library route.

When users access PubMed via our library records, the site will display our library's 'Find it@Strathclyde' button against resource records, which helps users connect to full-text content via our SUPrimo library catalogue. 

University of Strathclyde users should not attempt to log in to PubMed using Log in > more login options.  Strathclyde does not have an agreement with the service provider for log in via this method and University of Strathclyde does not appear in this list of institutions.

NCBI Accounts

Although PubMed is a freely available resource and no login is required to access the main service, certain functionality on the site requires users to create an NCBI account.  Please note that PubMed are introducing changes to the way that NCBI accounts are created and managed as of June 2021 and it will no longer be possible to create an NCBI account using an email address and password combination.  More information about the changes can be found at https://ncbiinsights.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2021/01/05/important-changes-ncbi-accounts-2021/

Please note that, as explained above, University/institutional login to PubMed is not supported for University of Strathclyde, therefore users wishing to create an NCBI account should choose one of the other options for creating their Linked Account.