Safe-exam browser is usually recommended for use in an on-campus setting, where all workstations/PCs can be pre-configured and safe exam browser pre-installed in a lab setting.  It is possible to use it in an off-campus, personal setting, with caveats around support, set up and security.  Students' personal computers can't be supported through set up and installation, and in a personal environment, Safe Exam Browser doesn't provide the same level of security as invigilation - there would be nothing to stop students accessing another device, for example.

At present, Safe Exam Browser is available for use but should be approached with some care and allowing time for preparation, potential customisation/configuration (eg. to allow specific applications to be accessed or URLs to be whitelisted) and becoming familiar with the tool and its limitations.  

Further information about Safe Exam Browser can be found at:

If you'd like more detailed information about using Safe Exam Browser at Strathclyde please get in touch with the Myplace Support team via [email protected]