Create / Upload files & folders

In Teams, go to a Channel and select the Files tab:
A screenshot of an MS Teams channel.  The Files tab is indicated by an arrow.

In the Files tab, everyone who is a member of the Team can use the New dropdown menu to create folders or a range of Microsoft filetypes:

A screenshot of the Files tab.  The New dropdown menu is displayed.

All Team members can upload many different file types or even entire folders of files using the Upload menu:

A screenshot of the Files tab.  The Upload dropdown menu is displayed.

An alternative means of uploading is to drag & drop files or folders on to the Files tab.

Open a file to view / edit

There are options for opening a file in the Files tab:

  1. Click on the filename to open the file in Teams.  Basic Microsoft filetypes are editable and a PDF file can be viewed in Teams.  Some non-Microsoft file types can be viewed in Teams, others can be stored in Teams but neither viewed nor edited.
  2. Alternatively, select the three ellipses

  3. From the menu, choose Open

  4. Choose the option you require from the sub-menu.
    A screenshot of the Files tab.  The options for opening a file are indicated.  1. Click on the filename.  Alternatively, 2, select the three ellipses then 3, choose Open from the dropdown menu and finally 4, choose either "Edit in Teams", "Open in app" or "Open in browser".

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